Missing Bet Result
When client reports this please check yourself from the tool with the match id and market id provided. The market is either generated by us (ids 7K+) or imported from the provider. If we have results info such as (Match result, corner data and card data) and bet result is not generated we should contact our developers. If it is related to a feed bet result (ids below 500 ) you need to go on the search page and select ‘Import’. Paste the match id in the first line and click on search (make sure the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates makes sense with the Time & Date of the event. From the search page search any file from the time after the match has started. If you find the bet result in the files from the feed and its not inserted in the tool please inform our developers to check. If the result is not present in the feed please inform the client that the feed provider did not send it and they should contact them directly.