Names and Translations Update
We have updated the Names and Translation page in order for you to be more independant of the feed and make the required changes.
Sport Name & Translations
You can set the changes for Sport Names & Translations by selecting the 3 dots next to the Sport Name and selecting ‘Name & Translations’.
Category Name & Translations
You can set the changes for Category Names & Translations by selecting the 3 dots next to the Category Name and selecting ‘Name & Translations’.
Tournament Name & Translations
You can set the changes for Tournament Names & Translations by selecting the 3 dots next to the Tournament Name and selecting ‘Name & Translations’.
Team Name & Translations
You can set the changes for Team/Competitor Names & Translations by selecting the 3 dots next to the Event Name and selecting ‘Name & Translations’.
You can also set changes for Team Names & Translations from the page Edit > Team Names & Translations. In this page you can search for Teams/Competitors by id or name and update accordingly.
Outright Name & Translations
You can set the changes for Outright Names & Translations by selecting the 3 dots next to the Outright Name and selecting ‘Name & Translations’.
The functions to manage the above are as follows:
Edit Name/Translation
Block or unblock updates from feed
Delete Translation
Add new translation that is not available from feed
Please select Save button if you have made some changes