Player Resulting Panel Update

Player Resulting Panel Update

We have updated the Player Results Panel with the following updates:

  • When changing the market ‘Last Goal’ from one player to another a confirmation dialogue "Are you sure Yes/No" will appear

  • When changing the market ‘First Goal’ from one player to another a confirmation dialogue "Are you sure Yes/No" will appear

  • When ticking the market ‘15min’, the markets ‘1st Half' and ‘Anytime’ for the same player are ticked automatically

  • When ticking the market ‘1st Half', the market 'Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically

  • When ticking the market ‘Hat-Trick’, the markets ‘2 Or More’ and 'Anytime ' for the same player are ticked automatically

  • When ticking the market ‘2 Or More’, the market ‘Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically

  • When ticking the market ‘Last Goal’, the market ‘Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically

  • When ticking the Void checkbox ‘HT’, the Void checkbox ‘15' for the same player is ticked automatically

  • When ticking the Void checkbox ‘1st’, the market ‘First Goal’ for the same player is automatically disabled

  • When ticking the market ‘First Goal', the Void checkbox ‘1st’ for the same player is automatically disabled

  • When ticking the Void checkbox ‘HT’, the market ‘1st Half’ for the same player is automatically disabled

  • When ticking the market ‘1st Half’, the Void checkbox ‘HT’ for the same player is automatically disabled

  • When ticking the Void checkbox ‘15’, the market ‘15 Minutes’ for the same player is automatically disabled

  • When ticking the market ‘15 Minutes’, the Void checkbox ‘15’ for the same player is automatically disabled