Player Resulting Panel Update
We have updated the Player Results Panel with the following updates:
When changing the market ‘Last Goal’ from one player to another a confirmation dialogue "Are you sure Yes/No" will appear
When changing the market ‘First Goal’ from one player to another a confirmation dialogue "Are you sure Yes/No" will appear
When ticking the market ‘15min’, the markets ‘1st Half' and ‘Anytime’ for the same player are ticked automatically
When ticking the market ‘1st Half', the market 'Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically
When ticking the market ‘Hat-Trick’, the markets ‘2 Or More’ and 'Anytime ' for the same player are ticked automatically
When ticking the market ‘2 Or More’, the market ‘Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically
When ticking the market ‘Last Goal’, the market ‘Anytime’ for the same player is ticked automatically
When ticking the Void checkbox ‘HT’, the Void checkbox ‘15' for the same player is ticked automatically
When ticking the Void checkbox ‘1st’, the market ‘First Goal’ for the same player is automatically disabled
When ticking the market ‘First Goal', the Void checkbox ‘1st’ for the same player is automatically disabled
When ticking the Void checkbox ‘HT’, the market ‘1st Half’ for the same player is automatically disabled
When ticking the market ‘1st Half’, the Void checkbox ‘HT’ for the same player is automatically disabled
When ticking the Void checkbox ‘15’, the market ‘15 Minutes’ for the same player is automatically disabled
When ticking the market ‘15 Minutes’, the Void checkbox ‘15’ for the same player is automatically disabled