Odds And More Pre-Match Feed Documentation
This is the official documentation of the new Odds And More feed. Below you will find a general explanation of all available messages and connections in order to successfully connect your system to our feed.
Feed Messages
Messages regarding Odds updates, Bet Results, Date & Time and other changes will be provided over RMQ messages.
In order to connect to the RMQ you will be provided with login credentials (username and password) as well as port, vhost and queue name to which you will be connecting to. Your IP addresses must be whitelisted in order for the connection to work.
In order to connect to the test feed, use the following URL: ksrv04.oddsandmore.com with port 5672.
API Messages
Additional data such as Fixtures, Match Results, Translations etc. will be provided over API calls which are independent of RMQ. Every API call has it’s own definition, type of request and required fields. One field that is always required is the token, which we will provide to you.
URL of API calls is ksrv04.oddsandmore.com/ with port 8991 opened.
There is also swagger environment available on the link: http://ksrv04.oddsandmore.com/apidocs/#/