Change Event Date
Here the user can change and set manual dates/times and block any updates from the feed. There are two types of dates for each event:
Scheduled Date - This indicates the date & time of when the event is taking place
Expiry Date - This indicates the date & time of when the event needs to be deactivated and removed from the website. (Not always available)
The date & time showing on the event is the Scheduled date. When the user hovers on the Scheduled Date which will show a pop up with the Expiry date & time.
To edit the dates the user should hover on the sheduled date which will show a pen icon to click and select to edit the expiry date or start(scheduled) date.
When the user changes the date & time the following pop up message will appear. This indicates that it will block any updates for Dates, Status and Odds coming from the feed. (The Expiry date & time must always be before the Start date & time)
After confirming the pop up message the date, status and odds are set manually and sent in the feed with the new changes.
If an event is expired it will show the red clock icon next to the scheduled date