Getting odds for a match
Match may or may not have odds. In order to retrieve existing match odds you may use this URL:
Base url /getMarginedOdds
Sample input JSON posted to above URL looks like this:
Input parameters breakdown:
MID - Match id odds are needed for
SID - Sport id match belongs to
Request type: constant value, keep it 10 for this kind of call
Call response:
In case everything was sent properly response should be HTTP status 200 containing margined odds for requested match. Response may contain something like this:
Key name | Description |
OT | Odds Type (Market ID) |
Modd | Manual(user) odd |
Odd | Margined odd |
NoP | No Profit odd |
O | Ouctome |
SBV | Special Bet Value (Market Line) odds belong to. It can be empty string (““) in case market supports no Special Bet Values |
Chk | Either 1 (which means that market is manually managed ) or 0 (which means market is provided by feed). In case of value “1” odds under “Modd” should be considered. Otherwise odds under “Odd” are taken into consideration. |
Example from above would translate to:
Market: 51 (odds taken from feed - market not manually managed ovde url ka Confluence stranici koja opisuje kako se market “stiklira” iz apija):
SBV: 2.5:
Outcome: 1 (odd 1.07, odd on no profit margin: 1.06)
Outcome: 2 (odd 20.5, odd on no profit margin: 18.5)
Outcome: X (odd 10.5, odd on no profit margin: 10)
Another response example:
As per table above, this response represents a market that has 3 separate Special Bet Values offered:
Market: 51 (odds taken from feed - market not manually managed ovde url ka Confluence stranici koja opisuje kako se market “stiklira” iz apija):
SBV: -2.5:
Outcome: 1 (odd 1.37, odd on no profit margin: 1.35)
Outcome: 2 (odd 2.85, odd on no profit margin: 2.8)
SBV: -3.5:
Outcome: 1 (odd 1.76, odd on no profit margin: 1.75)
Outcome: 2 (odd 1.96, odd on no profit margin: 1.95)
SBV: -4.5:
Outcome: 1 (odd 2.49, odd on no profit margin: 2.45)
Outcome: 2 (odd 1.47, odd on no profit margin: 1.45)