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Match may or may not have odds. In order to retrieve existing match odds you may use this URL:

Base url /getMarginedOdds

Sample input JSON posted to above URL looks like this:


Input parameters breakdown:

MID - Match id odds are needed for

SID - Sport id match belongs to (optional)

Request type: constant value, keep it 10 for this kind of call

Token: API token obtained as per here (ovde sad ide link ka confluence stranici gde se opisuje login. Ta confluence stranica ima url ka swagger sekciji za isprobavanje logina)

Call response:

In case everything was sent properly response should be HTTP status 200 containing margined odds for requested match. Response may contain something like this:


Key name



Odds Type (Market ID)


Manual(user) odd


Margined odd


No Profit odd




Special Bet Value (Market Line) odds belong to. It can be empty string (““) in case market supports no Special Bet Values


Either 1 (which means that market is manually managed ) or 0 (which means market is provided by feed). In case of value “1” odds under “Modd” should be considered. Otherwise odds under “Odd” are taken into consideration.

Example from above would translate to:

Market: 51 (odds taken from feed - market not manually managed ovde url ka Confluence stranici koja opisuje kako se market “stiklira” iz apija):

SBV: 2.5:

Outcome: 1 (odd 1.07, odd on no profit margin: 1.06)

Outcome: 2 (odd 20.5, odd on no profit margin: 18.5)

Outcome: X (odd 10.5, odd on no profit margin: 10)

Another response example:




As per table above, this response represents a market that has 3 separate Special Bet Values offered:

Market: 51 (odds taken from feed - market not manually managed ovde url ka Confluence stranici koja opisuje kako se market “stiklira” iz apija):

SBV: -2.5:

Outcome: 1 (odd 1.37, odd on no profit margin: 1.35)

Outcome: 2 (odd 2.85, odd on no profit margin: 2.8)

SBV: -3.5:

Outcome: 1 (odd 1.76, odd on no profit margin: 1.75)

Outcome: 2 (odd 1.96, odd on no profit margin: 1.95)

SBV: -4.5:

Outcome: 1 (odd 2.49, odd on no profit margin: 2.45)

Outcome: 2 (odd 1.47, odd on no profit margin: 1.45)

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