Then, there is tag categories that contains tags category with attributes id and name.
All tournaments per sport list
When requesting a list of all categories, POST request is:
Base URL /get_tournaments_for_sport
Required fields for this call are sport_id and token.
With the above details the API provides the following message:
Code Block |
<sport_tournaments timestamp="1613741505909">
<sport id="2" name="Basketball"/>
<category id="Albania" name="837">
<tournament id="19386" name="Group A"/>
<category id="Argentina" name="264">
<tournament id="1680" name="LNB"/>
<tournament id="17817" name="Liga Argentina"/>
<tournament id="50209" name="Liga de Desarrollo"/>
<tournament id="56493" name="Torneo Federal"/>
<category id="Armenia" name="1670">
<tournament id="78746" name="Armenian Cup"/>
<category id="Australia" name="113">
<tournament id="1506" name="WNBL"/>
<tournament id="1524" name="NBL"/>
<category id="Austria" name="170">
<tournament id="297" name="Bundesliga"/>
<tournament id="300" name="AWBL"/>
<tournament id="1470" name="Cup"/>
<tournament id="140000596" name="Abl"/>
</sport_tournaments> |
Tag sport_categories has only one attribute which is timestamp with date and time that message was created.
Under that tag there is a tag named sport that has ID of sport and its name.
Then, there is tag categories that contains tags category with attributes id and name.