An odds_change message is sent when odds updates for a fixture are published. This message includes the following attributes:
XML Attributes
event_id | The ID of the event |
expiry_date | The next expiration date of the event |
status | The status of the event |
product_id | The ID of the product (In this case ID |
4 for |
Basketball Player Odds) | |
timestamp | The date & time of when the message was created |
competitor id | The ID of the competitor (team) |
player id | The ID of the player |
player status | The status of the player |
market id | The ID of the market |
market status | The status of the market |
market spread | The spread of the market (Only available when the market contains a spread value) |
outcome id | The ID of the outcome |
outcome status | The status of the outcome |
odd | The latest odds for the outcome |
Status IDs
0 | This indicates that the status is Inactive |
1 | This indicates that the status is Active |
Each event_id is sent in a seperate message therefore each odds_change message can only containt 1 event ID.
To resend the latest odds in the queue you can use the following POST API.
XML Examples
Match Player Odds
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <odds<players_odds_change productevent_id="5match:131718" event_idproduct="match:1317184" status="1" expiry_datetimestamp="2023-01-05T11:00:00.000Z" timestamp="16727445451659433219446"> <competitor id="7"> <odds> <player id="1984029" status="1"> <market id="32000" status="1" spread="1845.5"> <outcome id="6" status="1" odd="21.8"/> <outcome id="7" status="1" odd="1.79"/> </market> </odds> </odds_change> |
Match Deactivation
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <odds_change product_id="5" event_id="match:131718 <market id="2001" status="1" spread="37.5"> <outcome id="6" status="1" odd="1.8"/> <outcome id="7" status="01" expiry_dateodd="2023-01-05T11:00:00.000Z" timestamp="1672744545"/> |
Outright Odds
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <odds_change product_id="5" event_id="outright:1317281.8"/> </market> </player> <player id="1984030" status="1"> <market id="2000" status="1" spread="45.5"> <outcome id="6" status="1" odd="1.8"/> <outcome id="7" status="1" expiry_dateodd="2023-01-05T11:00:00.000Z" timestamp="1672745540"> <odds> 1.9"/> </market> </player> </competitor> <competitor id="25"> <player id="1984032" status="1"> <market id="1012000" status="1" spread="45.5"> <outcome id="400000006" status="1" odd="1.8"/> <outcome id="400000017" status="1" odd="3"/1.9"/> </market> </player> <player id="1984033" status="1"> <market id="2000" status="1" spread="45.5"> <outcome id="400000046" status="01" odd="1.8"/> <outcome id="400000027" status="1" odd="401.9"/> </market> </odds>player> </competitor> </players_odds_change> |
Outright Match Deactivation
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <odds_change product_id="5" event_id="outrightmatch:131728131718" status="0" expiry_date="2023-01-05T11:00:00.000Z" timestamp="1672745540"/>timestamp="1672744545"/> |
Player Deactivation
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<players_odds_change event_id="match:131718" product="4" status="1" timestamp="1659433219446">
<competitor id="7">
<player id="1984031" status="0"/>
<competitor id="25">
<player id="1984034" status="0"/>
</players_odds_change> |
Market Deactivation
Code Block |
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<players_odds_change event_id="match:131718" product="4" status="1" timestamp="1659433219446">
<competitor id="7">
<player id="1984030" status="1">
<market id="2001" status="0" spread="37.5"/>
<player id="1984031" status="0"/>
<competitor id="25">
<player id="1984033" status="1">
<market id="2001" status="0" spread="37.5"/>
</players_odds_change> |